School application essay
How To Write Compare And Contrast Essay With 3 Topics
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
China and Globalization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
China and Globalization - Essay Example Henceforth, paying little mind to the ultimate result, the Third Plenum and its consequence speak to a pivotal turning point throughout the entire existence of the financial modernization of China. From the outset, Deng upheld modernization with unimportant focal inclusion in order to take out the hindrances made by centralization, which had pushed China to its 1978 emergency. In the end, the accentuation stayed on modernization, yet with incorporated large scale control. Deng had effectively slackened the grasp of focal organizers, who had endeavored to decrease, upset, and agitate his Western-based market communism (Zhang 38). Deng’s ways to deal with financial modernization were established in the possibility that the firmness of Mao Tse Tsung’s monetary approach ought to be relinquished. Mao Tse Tung implemented adjusting communist standards in a territory of China’s verifiable monetary impediment. In this way, the developing status of China as a worldwide pioneer began with the vision of Deng Xiaoping when he turned into the Communist Party’s leader in 1978 (Waters 2). With Deng’s ascend to control, China began its excursion toward worldwide initiative. On the tenth of October 1978, Deng curtly examined one feature of his plan for China. To advance, he thought, China needed to achieve what he alluded to as the four ‘modernization’â€modernization of science and innovation, national guard, farming, and industry (Waters 2). He accepted that China should pick up information on other countries’ best practices and secure monstrous outside help. As a state of takeoff for progress, he bolstered the starting of most recent innovation and offices as made by different nations. Deng’s suggestion, particularly concerning picking up information from different nations and propelling bleeding edge innovation, is as yet considered by occupant Chinese pioneers (Zhang 44). On the 23rd of October 1985, Deng worried to his administration authorities that nothing isolates a market
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Canterbury Tales and the Medieval Church free essay sample
This paper examines Chaucers severe depiction of the medieval church as an altogether degenerate organization. This exposition takes a gander at Geoffrey Chaucers take on the Middle Ages in The Canterbury Tales. The writer examines how Chaucer sees the medieval church, the pastorate, and the debasement through his works, especially through his characters of the priest, the pardoner, and the prioress. The paper concentrates a lot on the operations of the Christian church during medieval occasions. In The Canterbury Tales, Chaucer paints a fascinating image of the medieval church. The Christian Church gave administration to the individuals of Western Europe . Holy person Augustine was not the most discretionary of men, and figured out how to alienate numerous individuals of intensity who had never been especially anxious to spare the spirits of the Anglo-Saxons who had carried such harsh occasions to their kin. At the point when Augustine kicked the bucket, Christianity had just a shaky hang on Anglo-Saxon England. We will compose a custom article test on The Canterbury Tales and the Medieval Church or then again any comparative theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page The Roman Empire had fallen, and in spite of the fact that the individuals of Europe not, at this point regarded one ruler, they slowly started to love a similar God.
Thursday, August 20, 2020
Books to Read if You Love TV
Books to Read if You Love TV I love TV. As a guilty pleasure, as a hobby, as an academic subject, and honestly, as a close friend. I think it is one of the most important and powerful mediums, especially these days when it is consumed so widely and quickly. And I love reading about TV a lot. These are some books I have liked, ranging from essay collections to edited volumes on particular TV shows. These arent like how to become a TV writer type books (if you know of some, holla) but more meditative or research based. Ranging from works by journalists to biographers to academics to really big fans, I think these books each give a particular lens to television and the show (or shows) they are invested in. Emily Nussbaum, The New Yorkers TV Critic, just published a collection of criticism, I Like to Watch. It is a mark of a great critic when I can read criticism of a show I have never watched, or even been that interested in, and jump right in. Her criticism is about TV yes, but also explores why we watch and why we love it. Her essay on #metoo and her own teenage obsession with Woody Allen is thought provoking. I also love the wide range-sure she writes about The Sopranos and other peak tv but she also writes about Sex and the City, Jane the Virgin, and Vanderpump Rules. It is an amazing book and you can feel the earnest love for Television as art in every page. Screwball Television: Critical Perspectives on Gilmore Girls. This is an edited academic volume (stay with me) published 6 years before Gilmore Girls A Year in the Life came to Netflix and collectively ruined Rory Gilmore. Here, you can read about depictions of Asian American women, the role of bibliophilia, and Stars Hollow as American Exceptionalism. The authors clearly love Gilmore Girls but were aware of the blind spots and contributions years before I was at least. In My Humble Opinion: My So Called Life by Soraya Roberts is a delightful little book (from the Pop Classics series) mediating on the importance of Angela Chase and Jordan Catalano is our collective consciousness. Its great fun and also a good short read. The Dark Fantastic: Race and the Imagination from Harry Potter to the Hunger Games by Ebony Elizabeth Thomas isnt only about Television (movies too) but her discussions of race in both The Vampire Diaries and Merlin are amazing. Even if you arent a part of #bachelornation, Amy Kaufmans Bachelor Nation: Inside the World of Americas Favorite Guilty Pleasure is a great look at why the Bachelor franchise has such staying power. As a journalist who covered the Bachelor for ages (and got banned by ABC) Kaufman has gotten lots of inside details from contestants, producers, celebrities, etc about the show and what it is like to be on it. But what I think is even more interesting is her examination of the cultural fascination with the bachelor. Why do we watch this? What does it say about our expectations of romance, of entertainment, of TV? Its a great book. The Good Neighbor: The Life and Work of Fred Rogers by Maxwell King will probably induce both nostalgia and tears. Unlike the other books I have suggested here, this is of course a biography and focuses on Fred Rogers life both before and after Mr. Rogers. But in learning more about Rogers life, his character seems even more and real important. This isnt to say that Rogers was Mr. Rogers, but that he put himself into developing Mr. Rogers and making television for kids in a really profound way.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Essay on Perceptions in Matthew Arnolds Dover Beach
Perceptions in Matthew Arnolds Dover Beach Matthew Arnold’s â€Å"Dover beach†describe the way in which perceptions are mislead society. The use of metaphors, symbolisms, allusiveness, technical quantities, and imagery assist the speaker’s thought regards between what is seen and what is real. Dover beach was written during Victorian era. Which brought civilization based on industry, value and money. This is the time which people start questioning the existence of God. The speaker observed the plight of Victorian era. And he sought an answer to the problems which he and world faced with. Arnold express the dejection of lost civilization, anticipate its future, and try to acquire its solution The speaker begins straightway with†¦show more content†¦The appearance of Dover Beach at this time is only of what the human senses can envision. The speakers looks beneath the surface of Dover Beach and unveils the true nature of the sea. When Arnold stops to really listen to the sea, â€Å"he only hears the sea’s melancholy, long, withdrawing roar.†(9). Arnold justifies the theory that things are not always what they appear to be. The world only ‘seems’ to be beautiful, but is ‘really’ a place of conflict, chaos and dangerous misunderstandings. Imagery is the strongest supporter of the theme. A description of the sea in its states of calmness and roughness are depicted. Sight and sound help intensify other images. The poems’ strongest feelings are usually expressed by their imagery, though rhythm is also used to convey meaning. Arnold uses the first stanza of the poem to create visual, auditory, and olfactory images that will allow the reader to picture the sea of which the speaker is viewing. Through the use of several poetic Figures of speech, sounds, and irony of words are also used. Line one; â€Å"The Sea is calm tonight†(1) has a gentle rhythm that can be compared to the â€Å"ebb and flow†(17) of the sea. With this description one can imagine a beautiful beach with water lapping upon the shore. The second line also gives the image of a calm sea. In the opening stanzas words such as â€Å"gleams†(4) and â€Å"glimmering†(5) are used, giving a sense of light. In contrast the end ing stanzas use words such asShow MoreRelatedDover Bitch vs. Dover Beach1763 Words  | 8 Pagesargued about. Everyone seems to have a different perception on what love truly is. These perceptions help categorize what type of person you are when it comes towards love. This can range from being a hopeless romantic to a person who doesn’t even believe that love exists. A perfect example of how the views of love can be drastically different can be illustrated by these two poems; â€Å"Dover Beach†and â€Å"Dover Bitch†. â€Å"Dover Beach†, was written by Matthew Arnold in the 19th century. The love Arnold speaksRead MoreDover Beach Theme Imagery and Sound1431 Words  | 6 PagesIn Dover Beach, Matthew Arnold creates a monologue that shows how perceptions can be misleading. The theme of illusion versus reality in Dover Beach reflects the speakers awareness of the incompatibility between what is perceived and what truly is real. Arnold conveys the theme of Dover Beach through three essential developments. First, he uses visual imagery. Second, he uses sound (aural) imagery. Third, he uses rhythm and metric. These mechanics alone do not explain why illusion and realityRead More Comparing Dover Beach and Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock Essays1556 Words  | 7 Pages A Comparison of the Victorian and Modernist Perceptions as Exemplified by Dover Beach and The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock  Matthew Arnold and T.S. Eliot, in their respective poems, share a sense of alienation, not only from other people but from nature and God as well. Arnold is writing in an age when the place of man in the universe is coming into question, for the first time since the advent of Christianity. He can no longer take the same solace in nature and the love of God that his
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
internship Essay examples - 962 Words
I had many responsibilities and duties as a teacher assistant/chaperone. Such as arriving at the assigned school for bus and student pick-up at 8:00 a.m. assisting teachers and counselors with Daily Opening Activity, with Math and Reading as well as Arts/Folklore classes. Escorting students to and from the bathroom. Supervising students during breakfast and lunch and assisting with clean up. Being responsible for picking up and returning materials to the GEAR UP office. Attending weekly Staff and Team meetings to discuss the past week and plan for the weeks ahead. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;This internship opened many doors leading to my future. This would not only help me academically and financially, but would also provide me with†¦show more content†¦Apart from that, it would also enhance my scope of getting accepted to a good school for the Masters Degree. In my opinion I have met all of my objectives and I now have a new perspective on life. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;I was able to be successful in this internship because I had to utilize and develop many new skills. I used my interpersonal skills such as: coping strategies; peer relationships and effective social skills; communication, problem-solving techniques, decision-making, conflict resolution, how to work in a team, where everyone depends on each other and a lot of patience. I developed many new skills such as multitasking, problem solving/decision making, and leadership qualities. I learned that I am a role model. It is important to develop a good relationship with students; however, I must keep in mind that I am expected to behave myself in a professional manner at all times. I also learned some of the important skills of a teacher such as: how to provide direct instructions, clarify content, teach skills and answer the students questions; help students identify their skills, abilities, and long term plans regarding education and personal problems. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;After I completed my internship I realized I didn’t want to become a child psychologist anymore. I was put in a situation in which I had to deal with a child who was suffering from depression among other psychological problems and was considered to beShow MoreRelatedUnpaid Internships : An Internship927 Words  | 4 Pages Internships  Fetching an endless amount of coffee for employees. Copying a constant supply of papers for a business meeting. Running around and completing errands continuously are the many tasks that sound like a stereotypical unpaid internship. But not all internships consist of these tasks and even if they do, they are important because they provide experience, networking, and possibly a job. However, unpaid internships are not as lucrative because in the recent years, researchers have foundRead MoreThe Importance of Internships1025 Words  | 5 PagesTHE IMPORTANCE OF INTERNSHIPS Growing up in school, students are constantly reminded that a college education is necessary to make a decent salary. Over the years, it has become evident to many young adults that this statement is indeed true. However, as the need for jobs increases, so does the necessity of being more competitive in a work field. Since our generation has grown up knowing that graduating from college is a necessity, a college education is no longer enough to be competitive inRead MoreInternship Argumentation737 Words  | 3 PagesOctober 22, 2012 Internship Argumentation Internships are opportunities that many students take before graduating from college. Whether paid or unpaid, they’re beneficial to students, nonetheless. They provide experience that can’t be learned elsewhere, and also gives them an edge in comparison to students that don’t take the opportunity. Of course, internships can have their downfalls in which they may not be taken as seriously as a ‘real world’ job but the pros that internships offer outweighRead MoreThe Ins and Outs of Internships998 Words  | 4 PagesInternships are positions providing students with practical experience. The department can offer internships to students as volunteers or for academic credit. Departments employ interns during the school year and also in the summer. Students can earn work experience by participating in an internship. Interning in a field of choice will stand out on a students resume and help them with their job search after graduation. Participating interns gain on-the-job training that integrates education, careerRead MoreInternship : My Internship Final Story914 Words  | 4 PagesMy internship Final story To begin with, it all started after the winter semester, when I got selected for my internship at Senator Jeff Kleins office I was incredibly shocked because out of all the individuals who interviewed I was the only one selected, this was a great achievement. I was loathed with congratulations of my friends and batch mates even before I had myself seen the result. What was even better, that I was the only students of my school selected for an internship there. I felt thatRead MoreEssay on Internship1422 Words  | 6 Pageswill ask questions in regards to his field placement to better understand how and why things work when entering the field. I feel as though I am prepared for my internship, but hopefully after interviewing Devon I won’t be as nervous about my field placement. I realize that the information he presents is imperative to me starting my internship. Q: What was the hardest part of the field practicum? A: The hardest part of my field practicum was basically learning all the procedures of your field studiesRead MoreInternship Report2948 Words  | 12 PagesGOVERNMENT UGANDA WANKULUKUKU ROAD BY KEMIHINGIRO BONITA REG NO: S1324/1003 Internship report submitted to The faculty of business and administration in partial fulfillment for the Award of a bachelor’s degree in project planning and entrepreneurship April 2015 Agency supervisor NAME†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. SIGNATURE†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. DECLARATION I kemihingiro Bonita declare that this internship report is my original work and has never been submitted to any institution for any awardRead MoreReport: Employment and Internship1268 Words  | 6 Pageswas just around the corner. My internship reaffirmed my decision to become an accountant. I found that nobody expects you to know everything and that mistakes can be tolerated if learned from. The experience has given me confidence in myself that was severely lacking beforehand. I have realized that I want to continue working in the area of auditing. Experience And Academic Benefits. Experience is always an advantage when seeking employment. An internship provides a relatively nurturingRead MoreAn Internship Is A Professional Program959 Words  | 4 Pagesexperience in their field rather than their qualifications. An internship is a professional program that provides practical experiences to students in which they learn and can reflect back on for their future careers. Internships are increasingly becoming more evident in the work force as it helps give employers an opportunity to find good quality employees and in return provides good experience for the intern. Participating in internships, no matter paid or unpaid, is believed to strengthen the probabilityRead MoreBenefits And Benefits Of Internships Essay728 Words  | 3 Pagesfilling out applications for an opportunity that is highly competitive and sometimes difficult to find: an internship. Although some argue that internships are unfair because students are essentially working a real job without receiving the money and benefits that the employees receive, internships are able to pro vide developing students with an invaluable educational opportunity. Internships give students a chance to try out their prospective career before graduation. With this, they are given the
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Principles of Management Total Quality Management Free Essays
Total Quality Management (TQM) has been around for several years. The concept is being applied to business and industry processes for the purpose of quality improvement. Many businesses feel that TQM is only for large manufacturing type businesses or major industries. We will write a custom essay sample on Principles of Management: Total Quality Management or any similar topic only for you Order Now (Lee p1) TQM can be used for everyone with managers and employees. Certainly everyone involved with customer service. It is important to recognize the TQM and assessment are made up of identifiable, measurable components. Proper orientation to and understanding of the TQM philosophy, team development, problem solving techniques, and statistical process control must be the mission of everyone in any organization. (Lee p1) The wall street journal has twice reported on the struggling efforts of companies trying to improve overall quality and customer satisfaction. (Chaudron p2) Management must realize that to fully implement TQM, satisfy customers, and promote teamwork in the entire organization, often wrenching systemic changes must be made: profit sharing may be introduced; individual performance appraisals may be radically changed or eliminated; organizational structure may be realigned away from functions to a customer process or geographic – based structure, information may be given to employees formerly reserved for senior management; and significantly more authority may be given to line employees. (Chaudron p2) If management does not align these systems, the effect will result in much struggle and confusion. Organizations need to spend time on the design of their efforts. If they do not, they risk pouring time and dollars into and effort that will eventually collapse. Among the decisions that should be made up – front, before implementing a quality effort are: measures of success, the degree of employee involvement, the depth and breadth of immpleementation, and the techniques to be used. (Chaudron p2) As someone once said, â€Å"If you don†t like where are are going, you may not like getting there.†A manager of people needs to understand that all people are different. This is not ranking people. They need to understand that the performance of anyone is governed largely by the system that he works in, the responsibility of management. (Deming p1) A leader of transformation, and managers involved, need to learn the psychology of individuals, the psychology of a group, they psychology of society, and the psychology of change. (Deming p1) Changing behaviors is probably the most critical area in the process of change. People do not necessarily resist change. They resist being changed. It is important to give people time to understand the true needs and the process of change. Leaders promote open communication and clear visionss of the organizations future. The stronger culture values towards the market place, the less need for policy, instructions, organizational charts etc. Leaders empower and involve people to achieve the organization†s objectives. (Deming) TQM has been proven to work in many types of businesses such as Health Care facilities, Universities, multi million dollar corporations and small businesses. Can the concepts of TQM be applied to Hotel management operations? The Hotel industry is a very competitive business, based almost solely on customer satisfaction. Hotels have been feeling much more pressure in the past decade; they have been feeling a sense of crisis. Crisis that is caused due to th increasing number of new hotels being built up and down the interstates. An old hotel must use the concepts of TQM to keep themselves in the forefront of customer minds. To make the TQM philosophy work in the hotel industry, you must have continuos commitment from all levels of employees. Corporate owner, general managers, department managers, shift supervisors and hourly employees. The commitment must be to embrace and implement the philosophy of Deming and the principles of TQM on a daily basis. The focus must be on the processes of the organization and on providing leadership. Above all this commitment must be consistent. Owners and management must decide together and implement methods that can bring about change in the processes that produce product (room style and cleanliness) and service (customer satisfaction ) for the hotel. Management must review its mission and challenge suppervisors and employees to identify their respective departments philosophies, goals, objectives, and expected outcomes. If they don†t know the results they desire, assessment is meaningless. Once this is accomplished, techniques can be identified to measure quality improvement and to reduce the variation of outcomes. Commitment to quality is essential if companies are to succeed in a commercial environment. If you look at a 30 year old hotel and compare it to several new hotels, the older one better offer something of good quality and with excellent customer service. Competing with brand new is tough in this day and age. Customers want the best, they expect the best. TQM style will help bring out the best in any company. Comparing management styles of two hotels, brings about some interesting discoveries. One that used the TQM philosophy and the other that did not. The most obvious difference was the attitudes of the employees. The TQM hotel has employees that feel like they are the hotel. The same projection was received from the housekeeping staff as for the guest service agents. The general manager does not call them employees he calls them team members. They have team meetings, they all realize the importance of each job and each of them cross train for the other positions. The general manger has empowered the employees to make decisions on behalf of the business. They all have support from corporate managers and district managers. With this franchised hotel they all support each other. They try to keep their workplace fun with contest and monetary winnings. These employees enjoy coming to work and try to make each day better than the last. When the hotel succeeds so do the employees. The hotel without TQM present does not run the same at all. Employees come to work to fill their shifts. They make the same amount of money whether the hotel is full or empty. Empowerment is not a work that is recognized. All departments are separate and do not necessarily work together. The manager does much more managing and works harder because everything that happens is brought to them. When shown the difference between the hotels we are also forced to look at which one fares better in the community. With out a doubt the TQM hotel surpassed the other hotel. Suggestions to make TQM work for everyone.  · Make a personal self-examination regarding your willingness and discipline to alter day-to-day management behaviors in such a way that the organization is ever mindful of the strategic importance of TQM.  · Establish agreed upon quality measurements, followed by widespread search for the best performers to measure against.  · See out customer feedback and objectively measure their concerns.  · Work with employees to help them understand the strategic importance of new TQM activities and to buy into the process.  · Don†t go overboard. Focus on a few processes and their characteristics.  · Create an organization that is capable of learning from itself in the quest for continuos quality improvement in the strategic process Quality management principles are a comprehensive and fundamental rule of belief, for leading the operation and organization, aimed at continually improving performance over the long term by focusing on customers while addressing the needs of all stake holders. (Quality Management) These principles used in hotel management could take you to the competitive edge. Principle 1 – Customer Focused Organization: organizations depend on their customers and therefore should understand current and future customer needs, meet customer requirements, and strive to exceed customer expections. Principle 2 – Leadership: Leaders establish unity of purpose, direction, and the internal environment of organization. They create that environment in which people can become fully involved in achieving the organization†s objectives. Principle 3 – Involvement of People: People at all levels are the essence of an organization and their full involvement enables their abilities to be used for the organization†s benefit. Principle 4 – Process Approach: A desired result is achieved more efficiently when related resources and activities are managed as a process. Principle 5 – System Approach to Management: Identifying, understanding, and managing a system of interrelated processes for a given objective contributes to the effectiveness and efficiency of the organization. Principle 6 – Continual improvement: Continual improvement is a permanent objective of the organization. Principle 7 – Factual Approach to Decision Making: Effective decisions and actions are based on the logical and intuitive analysis of data and information. Principle 8 – Mutually Beneficial supplier Relationships: Mutually beneficial relationship between organizations and its supplier enhance the ability of both organizations to create value. (Quality Management) If all principles are applied with effective management, they will most certainly do a whole lot of good to create a better atmosphere for more effective people. Changing behaviors is probably the most critical area in the process of change. Leaders should empower and involve employees to achieve the organization†s objectives. Continuous improvement is a mindset, a way of doing business. We are never good enough; we can always be better. This is an ethic and an aspiration. (CIDR) On the other side of the coin, not everyone agrees with the whole TQM concept. In an article by Robert A Zawacki, Carol A. Norman, Paul A. Zawacki and Paul D Applegate, they say that total quality programs are a bust because TQM programs try to implement 9,000 new practices simultaneously. Their conclusions were (1) Involve everyone in the process, and (2) be willing to change everything, but concentrate on one thing at a time. They believe that most continuos improvement and partnering programs are failing because individual contributors are overworked, lack alignment and feel devalued by their leaders. In their opinion the error that many leaders made in the 1990†³s , in their rush to embrace the total quality movement, was that although they recognized the importance of quality they put more efforts into planning than they did into implementation and follow-up. (Zawacki p1) TQM can work with efforts of everyone. From the highest paid to the lowest paid. Everyone in the company is important. Jobs will be better, people will be happier and customers more satisfied. That spells better business and more business. Everyone wins. All it takes is commitment. How to cite Principles of Management: Total Quality Management, Essay examples
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Secret Life Of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd Essay Example For Students
Secret Life Of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd Essay My house is made up of yellow and white limestone. My friend Janes is bright red brick. If you were to ask me what the color of her house means to me. I would say an easy way to identify this house. In my opinion, the color of someones house is just not a way to detect anything from her personality. It is simply put, the color of her house. What if I were to tell you that that red was a symbol of love? That the reason it was red brick was because Janes parents loved each other so much they decided to express the love in the color of their house just to remind them of the love they share? Seems a little outlandish but at the same time seems extremely normal. The author, Sue , showed us very well, by including quotes from other books and through her text, principles that should be carried with us throughout our life. The character development in this book was very good. Through the first couple of pages I found out about Lily and her thoughts. Eventually I learned about Rosaleen and when she drips the snuff juice on the shoes of the older white men when the harrass her for voting. At first she seemed to not really care much for Lily but in the end, I thought of her as a more motherly figure for her, she seemed like the strong type of mother, the one who fights for the rights of he children. When the two eventually get to Tiburon, they meet August, June and May. August Boatwright, is obviously the eldest of the trio, she witholds much of the power in the household and is the one everyone looks up to. By the end of the book I saw her as more of the ever-loving motherly type. Ms. June Boatwright automatically has a resentment towards Lily and the two seem to clash in Lilys thoughts. When we find out in the end why that is, you see its because she is another strong-willed black woman. June would be the type of mother I could see urging you to stand up to the bully in your classroom. May, the fun and entergetic one of the bunch seems just like the sweetest lady youve ever meet. You wouldnt want to bring up anything that would upset her as the slightest thing could send her to her wailing wall (the wall she made to cry and store her prayers in).
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